Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Present vs. Medival

Obviously medieval warfare was much different than it is today. In the middle ages armies were much more unorganized and smaller than the armies of today. Of course the armies of the middle ages had much different armour than the present day armed forces. The armour of medieval times was made of mostly metal and weighed the warriors down, today soldiers use much lighter and more mobile material to keep themselves safe. Along with the contrasts there were also a few similarities. Just like the armies of today medieval armies collected tactics from other countries or in this case towns. Their were also very many small battles just as there are today. As you can see there are many differences and similarities between current and medieval armies.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I never took into consideration all of the differences and few similarities between todays armies and medieval armies! Do you know how much their armor weighs? That would be interesting to know!
